This is an album by Bent called Soi Dog.
Listen here or on various music streaming services. Buy vinyl record on Rahva Raamat or Apollo

Also available on
All instruments and vocals by Bent, percussion by Sven Seinpere, mixing and mastering by Alan Urva, cover art by Martin Saar
Soi Dog saw daylight thanks to the following people (in no particular order): Mariann Leppik, Reet Karelson, Rasmus Nurk, Martti B Tamm, Aleksander Ots, Kaspar Kaljas, Katriin Korsar, Peeter Teemusk, Carmen Teemusk, Maia Teemusk, Liis, Hans Christian Kessel, Tarmo Rämmi, Toomas Leis, Sven Mansberg, Toomas Keridon, Marten Soots, Martin Saar, Justin Marc Pitcher
For information, booking, queries, QA’s, interviews, fan mail and anything really, please email to:
Thank you for listening.
Copyright © & ℗ 2017 Bent Rushmore | All rights of the producer and of the owner of the recorded work reserved. Unauthorised copying, public performance, broadcasting, hiring or rental of the recording prohibited