Tuul is an album fitting to electronic and meditative music genre. This time however, Bent has added folk music to the mix with the help from the beautiful shamanic singer Kelly Tomson.
This collaboration has resulted to 10 unique musical pieces that are hard to pinpoint to any particular genre. The closest one maybe is Folktronica; the genre that will breathe life and freshness into folk songs with electronic sounds.
Inspiration for this album came mostly from nature. Album title “Tuul” means wind in Estonian.

Read the stories of each song below:
1. Kaev (5:48)

The first song of the album talks about a magic well. An ancient folk story suggests that if you say these words and drop something of a great value into the well, your wishes will come true.
When writing songs, I often get stuck in a writers block. In this case pickung up another instrument will get me unstuck. This is mostly how this song was born. Using one synthesiser for the most of the album got me a bit stuck. Then I randomly hooked up another and started to tweak the sound until I heard the sounds presented in this song.
When mostly done I presented it to Kelly and she had an immediate feel of which lyrics will go with it.
2. Muutused (5:55)

We have a tendency to resist change. It makes us anxious and we naturally try to avoid it. However, while a change can be negative, more often then not changes bring a lot of positive into our lives.
“Muutused” means change in Estonian. It seems the world is in a state of change right now and it’s mostly inspired by this fact.
Major structure of this song was written on a long distance plane from Asia to Europe during the time when COVID-19 virus had hit the world. People with masks and social distancing rules left an impression that world is rapidly changing from now on.
Against mainstream thoughts and mass media predictions of only seeing negatives behind the pandemic, with this tune I was trying to comprehend (and program) positive aspects to the world events.
Bent Rushmore
What takes most of time when writing songs with synthesisers is not chord progressions and traditional songwriting, but rather finding the right sound that sticks. This instrumental tune was mostly inspired by the plucking bass sound that you hear throughout.
3. Tuul feat. Kelly Tomson (4:45)

Tuul is the title song of the album. It’s actually a spell in a musical form that will summon wind.
Wind of change will clean your soul. We all need it in our lives every now and then. Wind is needed for windsurfing or to drive smog away from the city. Wind will cool you down. Either way. Read these words and it’ll come.
Wind is a unique living being, who travels the world and stays invisible. Spirits say that we’re alive until we can feel the touch of wind. When wind touches us, wind welcomes life itself.
Thanks for inspiring. New song “Tuul” (means wind in Estonian) is out now in Spotify and other streaming platforms.
See also album Steps to Calmness